Thursday, July 31, 2014


    As you know, most philosophers and extreme 

scientists argue against God's existence, 

right? However, one of the most famous 

philosophers by name 'Aristotle' approved the 

existence of a supreme being. Aristotle was a 

philosopher who believed so much in scientific 

laws but never for once denied the existence 

of a supreme being. Isn't that awesome? 

Aristotle argues in book 12 of the 

'metaphysics' and I quote "there must be an 

immortal, unchanging being, ultimately 

responsible for all wholeness and orderliness 

in the sensible world". Now, I don't know if I 

understood this statement properly but it 

seems to me that this statement is explaining 

that Aristotle confirmed the existence of a 

supreme immortal being. Who else would that be 

other than God almighty?

   Richard Hammond(2008,p.242) in his book 

"the unknown universe" claims that a complete 

definition for the origin of the universe can 

not be explained. As far as the puzzle of 

missing antimatter, I am sorry to say I cannot 

give you the solution, and, although there are 

a number of putative theories, this represents 

yet another piece of our wonderful but unknown 

universe(Hammond, 2008). It is quite 

interesting when bright physicists, such as 

the aforementioned gentleman, are not able to 

come up with a detailed explanation of the 

origin of the  entire universe. And that is a 

clear indication that the most intelligent 

science brains that have or will ever exist 

are still too little to understand God's 

miracles. Therefore, we must buckle up and get 

real. God is real and he is the mighty one. 

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