Thursday, August 7, 2014

Does God really exist?

  The devil(satan) has deceived millions of 

people into thinking that God does not exist. 

God created science but satan has used science 

and twisted it to deceive the world that there 

is no God. The devil has convinced so many 

people that science is god of the universe. 

Smh! I feel really sorry for people who have 

fallen into this trap and this is a clear 

indication that we(christians) have a lot of 

work to do. 
      Sometimes I really wonder what God has done 

that people hate him so much. The moment some 

people hear about God, they get so furious and 

annoyed. The truth is that we are getting 

angry at the wrong person. The devil is the 

one causing all this hatred and he keeps 

deceiving most of us into thinking that it is 

God's fault that there is pain and struggle in 

the world. Jesus clearly said "the thieve 

comes to steal, kill and destroy but I have 

come that you may have life and have it 

abundantly"(Jn 10:10). So you see, pain and 

struggle come from satan(the thieve). The 

reason why there is still suffering in the 

world is because we are still suffering from 

the effect of the sin committed by Adam and 

Eve as narrated in Gen 2:4-3:24. God still 

loves us very much and all this suffering will 

be over when we join him in heaven. In God's 

kingdom, there is no pain, no suffering, no 

struggle, no hate, no negative thing at all. 

      I have heard many people ask this  question before "how did 

God come about"? The truth is that we should never ask this 

particular question and just accept who he is. The tendency is that 

when we keep asking this question, we tend to disbelieve and then 

our faith goes down the drain. It is only the devil who brings this 

question to mind to have us confused. The universe itself is a 

mystery let alone God's existence. The human brain is too little to 

understand God's mystery and therefore we should just accept him 

and believe.  

     If an atheist scientist asks me "how did God come about"? My 

question to him is 'how did Science come about"? At least I can 

explain how science came about: God created science.

Is there any benefit in accepting the God we do not see?

     My cousin once said something to me that stroke me. He said 

his teacher told him this "it is better to strongly believe in Jesus 

and then find out that he didn't exist than not believe in him at all 

and then find out that he actually existed. Because if you were 

believing in Jesus and found out that he didn't exist, you have 

nothing to lose (besides needless pride) but if he actually existed 

and you never believed in him before, you will definitely regret 

and it will be too late". Now tell me, isn't this wise enough?  It is 

better to just try Jesus out and him for divine understanding instead 

of just shutting him out completely. Jesus(God the son) is full of 

love and is willing to help us understand who he is if only we let 


     What we fail to realize is that there is no forgiveness on 

judgment day. Even though God is so loving and compassionate, 

he can not forgive us on judgment day. You know why? Because it 

will mean that all what he said would come to pass will be a lie. 

God doesn't make mistakes and so his words will happen. That is 

why he is giving us the chance now to submit ourselves to him. Let 

him who has ears, ......

    The fact that you do not see the benefit of accepting God does 

not mean that there is no benefit. It simply means you are yet to 

discover that benefit; and the only way to discover it is by first 

accepting him. When you accept Jesus(God the son), you get into a 

personal relationship with him and you will now be able to 

understand who he really is and will discover for yourself that he 

exists. Think of it this way. Is it possible to know if your 

dad(earthly father) exists if you don't get to meet him? Is it 

possible to really understand your dad's behavior if you don't have 

a personal relationship with him? Definitely not! That is why the 

only way to know that God exists is to first accept him and then 

get into a personal relationship with him. You have nothing to 

lose, but much to gain. Bear one thing in mind; faith in someone 

you do not see is real faith. 

    People keep asking themselves this question "if God is real, then 

why can't he deliver us from satan and end our suffering once and 

for all? If he knows our hearts, why can't he make us choose him?"

Well, let me answer that with this illustration:
     Assuming that your landlord built an apartment complex which 

has about 25 apartments. You happen to rent one of the 25 

apartments. He has put you in charge of that particular apartment 

in which you live. Even though your landlord controls the entire 

complex, does he have the right to walk into your apartment 

without your permission? Can he walk in and out of your place as 

he pleases? I believe we all know the answer to that :)

      In the same way, God created all of us and put us in charge of 

our mind and body. God is not just our landlord, but our Universal 

Lord. He respects our bodies such that he allows us as owners to 

make the decision to seek him or seek otherwise. There is God, 

there is satan. There is the Holy Spirit, there is the evil spirit. 

There are angels, there are demons. If we choose God, then we 

have chosen God the father, the son and the holy spirit and so will 

his angels protect us. If we deny him, be rest assure that it is satan, 

his demons and the evil spirit we have embraced. 

      Let no one deceive you that being God-fearing is boring. Let

no one deceive you that you should live your life now as you

please  and then when you get old and are tired of having fun, you

can then accept Jesus. What if the pleasures of life make you not to

see that age? Then your life would have been vanity and you will

be answerable to God on judgment day. By the way, as a born

again christian, you would enjoy your life even better because God

is full of love, peace and a sound mind. Don't get me wrong. I am

not condemning anybody. Regardless of what you have done or are 

doing in life, just invite Jesus to take charge. Jesus is a friend to 

all(good or bad). I pray everyday that we sincerely submit our 

hearts to Jesus so that we all can inherit the kingdom of heaven. 

May our good Lord bless this world and let it be known that we 

shall rise as a people and conquer the devil in Jesus' name.

Science doesn't point away from God; 
                                  Science points to God * 

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