Extreme scientists who dispute the
existence of God often argue that we(humans)
were once monkeys and as a result of
evolution, monkeys became human. Let us just
assume that human beings were once
animals(monkeys) billions of years ago. Here
is my question "how did monkeys come about"?
Better yet, if no one created animals, how did
they come about"? That is a question whose
answer I would love to hear(i.e from a
scientific point of view). However, as a
believer in God, I would love to answer that
question from a biblical point of view. The
english standard version bible clearly says
"and God said 'let the earth bring forth
living creatures according to their kinds;
livestock and creeping things and beasts of
the earth according to their kinds'. And it
was so".(Gen 1:24). As you can see for
yourself, God created all living creatures on
the earth.
existence of God often argue that we(humans)
were once monkeys and as a result of
evolution, monkeys became human. Let us just
assume that human beings were once
animals(monkeys) billions of years ago. Here
is my question "how did monkeys come about"?
Better yet, if no one created animals, how did
they come about"? That is a question whose
answer I would love to hear(i.e from a
scientific point of view). However, as a
believer in God, I would love to answer that
question from a biblical point of view. The
english standard version bible clearly says
"and God said 'let the earth bring forth
living creatures according to their kinds;
livestock and creeping things and beasts of
the earth according to their kinds'. And it
was so".(Gen 1:24). As you can see for
yourself, God created all living creatures on
the earth.
That obviously did not stop there. He went
ahead to create man in his own image. This can
be proven in (Gen 1:26-27) which says "Then
God said 'let us make man in our image, after
our likeness and'…so God created man in his
own image, in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them".
Also, if evolution argues that humans were
once monkeys, here is my question. Why then do
we still have monkeys today? Think with me for
a minute. If all humans were once monkeys,
shouldn't all monkeys be human today? Guys
please let us be real. There is a supreme
being out there who created human beings. His
name is 'Jehovah Almighty'.
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